Shop and Save with Cash Back Cards
Did you realise that you could earn money back for every pound you spend? There are fantastic cash back credit card offers out there which enable you to save on your shopping. Depending on the company or bank, the number of points you earn for each pound spent varies. For those who are frequent shoppers, these offers are a wise financial choice.
Another way to save is to check with your current retail store. They may have teamed up with a bank to offer you an exclusive card which comes with discounts and other benefits. These cards often have low or no credit requirements, making them accessible to almost everyone.
For cash back credit cards, you may need a clean credit history to qualify. Again, this varies from one brand to the next, so don’t be disappointed if you get rejected by one. There are plenty to try. The credit card company often define the type of purchase which is eligible for cash back, so make sure to check their terms and conditions carefully before you apply. Even if the cash back is only 1% on grocery shopping, these savings add up quickly.